Bereit für das Abenteuer Ihres Lebens? Planen Sie ihre Reise noch heute.
Wir begrüßen Fischer, Wildnisliebhaber, Filmemacher & Fotografen und alle, die nach wahrer Ruhe in unberührter Natur suchen.
Unser Abenteuerportfolio
Erleben Sie ein einmaliges Wildnisabenteuer
Finden Sie Ihre Abenteuerreise

King Salmon Fishing

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 7,300 based on double occupancy
C$ 8,700 based on single occupancy
Trout Fly Fishing Adventure
Grizzlies of the Taku Wilderness

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,600 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,400 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,450 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,175 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 16,200 based on double occupancy
C$ 24,300 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 16,200 based on double occupancy
C$ 24,300 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 16,200 based on double occupancy
C$ 24,300 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 8,800 based on double occupancy
C$ 13,200 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Trip price per person excl. GST
C$ 11,900 based on double occupancy
C$ 17,850 based on single occupancy

Als Pionier auf dem Gebiet von Öko-Reisen ist Nakina Adventures seit 4 Jahrzehnten im Abenteuertourismus tätig und bietet Gästen aus aller Welt unvergessliche Abenteuer abseits jeglicher Pfade und Zivilisation in der unberührten Wildnis des Yukons, Britisch Kolumbiens und Alaskas. Wir sind große Liebhabber des hohen Nordens und seiner riesigen und ungezähmten Wildnis. Unser Engagement für Exzellenz stellt sicher, dass unsere Gäste die spektakulärsten und artenreichsten Lebensräume im Norden Kanadas erleben können. Allen Gästen, garantieren wir, ein intimes, authentisches und und sicherlich unvergessliches Wildnisabenteuer.